Crocodiles are majestic, powerful, and amazing creatures
Look at this crocodile, just look at it! Now look at it again! What part of this beautiful creature does not scream I am majestic? Those proud shoulders with his head held up high shows how powerful he is and if that wasn't enough to convince you he was powerful, try to pet him. This creature has been pulling off the reptile print since the time of the dinosaurs, how AMAZING is that! If by now you haven't come to the conclusion this crocodile is a majestic, powerful, and amazing creature then you are whack! Really you should come to this conclusion for all crocodiles because they are all the same.
Crocodiles are ridiculous looking, silly, and lame creatures.
OMG reptile print?! Hello 90s! This croc is so out of style, it looks ridiculous. Those ugly teeth and beady eyes make them all look so silly! Crocodiles are no ones favorite creature probably because they are lame. All they do is sit around in nasty water all day. In fact they are so lame they should go extinct already. Seriously.
I love the sassy flair, Sara! Crocodiles can't get out of the 90s, eh? Very enthusiastic writing. Use this when you do your papers, but always be careful of your audience. It won't work with every piece of writing, or with every professor. I like it though. :)