first element I see when I look at this ad is two attractive young people
drinking Pepsi and having a fun time by the beach. This part of the ad is
playing on audience's emotions. Society idolizes the young and attractive. Next
I notice the caption at the bottom where it states, " Pepsi the Light
refreshment". Now I am associating Pepsi with a healthy life style. The
product is appealing to the health conscious part of population. I notice the
vintage appearance the ad has. Assuming it is created during today’s time, this
ad now appeals to the older generation who grew up during that time period.
After putting all the clues together I realize that the audience the ad is
targeting is middle age, slightly overweight portion of the population. The
thesis of this ad is "Drinking Pepsi will make your life like the one in
the ad." This is known as a casual argument. If you buy this product
your life will be like the one in the ad.

I love this vintage ad. It's funny how sodas and even cigarettes used to be marketed as healthy! Nice analysis!