Friday, July 6, 2012

                         IT SUCKS....

Republican symbol sucks. Their symbol sucks because elephants are too big. 

·      Obama sucks. He sucks because he is a horrible president.

·      Harry Potter sucks. Harry Potter is an oversized fairy with a British accent.

·      Apples Symbol sucks because someone has already taken a bite out of it

·      Star Wars sucks. Star Wars sucks because light sabers aren’t real.

·      Facebook sucks. It sucks because it’s a laundry mat for people to air there dirty laundry

·      Mc Donald’s sucks. McDonalds menu is full of unhealthy and nasty options.

·      Clemson sucks. Clemson’s colors orange and purple are sissy colors and we keep loosing to stupid ole USC.

  Lady GAGA sucks because the only musicians worst than her are Miley Cyrus and J. Beiber.

·      Just Beiber sucks. The older Justin Beiber gets the more he looks like a girl .
·      Sudoku sucks. I don’t know all the rules to Sudoku so it sucks when I play it.

·      Avatar sucks.  It is basically a documentary on a  bunch blue space monkeys.


·      American Idol Sucks. Simon left American Idol so it is no longer worth watching.

·      Glee sucks. Glee’s characters are so annoying.  

·      Cigarettes suck. They kill your lungs and they stink REALLY BAD.

·      Guns suck. I don’t know why guns suck, I grew up hunting so I don’t think they suck , unless my little brother is shooting with an air-a-soft gun and then that sucks

·      Abortion sucks. Abortion  is selfish and murder.

·      This dog’s outfit sucks. This dog out fit is tacky and not cute t all. Jeans on dogs look stupid. Try a dress or a tut-tut. 

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